Wednesday, June 22, 2011

What's invisible and smells like bananas?

Monkey farts.

My little bro told me. It made my day.

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Monday, June 20, 2011

Smart Phones

Hey guys.

Yesterday was hectic, sorry I didn't blog. Anyway I was thinking about smart phones today. You really can't be bored with them at all. And then I started to think about how different people like different things. So, I was wondering what app would you like the app store to have and why. Leave a comment telling me why.

Well, I have to go so I'll talk to you later!!


Saturday, June 18, 2011


Hey Guys.

Not much happened today. It started out hot and sunny then it rained a ton at night. Earlier I babysat for my nephew, but didn't charge. He's just so darn cute! I only had him for a couple of hours, and usually he screams his head off, but today he was calm, and very playful. Thank goodness.

Happy Father's Day!!


Friday, June 17, 2011


Hey guys!

I'm sorry I couldn't think up of a better title! Well today was a pretty good day. Last night I was texting my best friend (the guy I like) <3 whenever I text him, I'm always in a good mood the next day. :) I went to the mall with my dad today, and went to a sale at bath and body works. I needed more lotion, so I got a coconut scented one and a citrus one. And at first I didn't think the citrus one would smell that great, but I LOVE it. My friend let me try hers last week. And I'm always a big fan of coconut. They had like 5 scents that were 75% off so I got those two.

I know this blog is one where I'll answer your advice, but I'm going to ask for yours today. So, we all know by know that I like my BGF. Do you think I should text him asking how things are with him and his girlfriend? I feel kinda weird asking, since I like him. But at the same time I am his best friend so I don't want him to think I don't care. He already thinks I don't like her. It's not that I don't like her, it's that I don't like that she's in a relationship with him. Other than that I guess she's ok. But anyway, please give me your full opinion on asking him! It has been like 4 months next week! I can't take it.

Also, I thought since Father's day is this weekend, I thought it'd be cool if you said what you're getting your dad. My dad loves computers, and I'm really good with Photoshop, so I made a collage of photos of me and my little brother in the shape of a computer. It's a cute idea that I'm sure he'll love.


Don't forget to answer my advice please!!!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Whoa Baby!

Hey guys!

Recently, one of my mom's friends has had a new baby! Her name is Julia and she is one week old today! She is so precious. Well,we have not had a chance to go over to their house and visit the baby. She has 4 kids now, two boys, two girls. So today, I woke up at about 11:30, got my shower and as I was getting ready, my mom knocks on my door and asks me what I want from Chick-fil-A. I told her the same as always (spicy chicken sandwich, I love that) and she says my order into the phone. My first thought was "hmm, Chick-fil-A delivers?" So when I was finished getting ready I went into my living room to see my mom's friend with 3 of her kids, including the new addition! What a great way to start out the day!

They stayed for about three hours. After they left my little brother and I went on a bike ride. It's hot out, middle of June in Florida, but there was a nice breeze.

One thing I regret is that at the beginning of the summer my mom's friend (same one from today) asked me if I wanted a babysitting job for the summer. I was planning on getting an paid internship at my dad's work, so I lied and said I couldn't because I had lots of church stuff to do. So it turns out, they weren't doing internships this year. -_- So I missed out on a great chance for some money. Today she asked me what I'm doing with church for the rest of the summer, and I replied with one thing VBS. Lol. I really wish I would have accepted that job. Twice a week for like 8 hours! I probably would've got like $5 an hour! Oh well. I guess I learned my lesson. Any ideas for making some cash? I guess babysitting is out of the question.


Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A New Edge

Well guys, since this is a blog, I decided that I'm going to actually blog about my life. My life is very boring, but some things can be fun. It will help me vent my feelings. We still will except questions, and will answer your advice too. :)

To start out my name is Nikki, and the story from "Boy-Drama" is very similar to one of my own. (comment if you want to know the whole story.) Yes, it is quite sad that I sorta gave myself advice, that I won't/didn't take. ): It's also really weird that this story came up. I mean really, how ironic is it that I get asked advice on something that is going on in my own life.

Anyway, this summer has been such a bore so far, I haven't done much. Oh well, eventually my friend and I are going to do something, hopefully this week. :)

My mom takes us to our cousins' house everyday to go swimming. It stinks! I really hate it, I'd rather play my new Pokemon game I recently got. It's so much fun. I got the black version. Anyway guys I'm getting kinda tired. If you're ever bored, I recommend watching Nigahiga on YouTube. I decided I need my own catchphrase to write at the end of each post, like Nigahiga does at the end of his videos, any suggestions?


First Advice!! Dear Boy-Drama

Dear Boy-Drama,

Wow. Here's a question to you, did you ever tell your BGF (best guy friend) that you love him in the couple months he was single? He might have felt the same way about you, but never thought you could feel the same. So I'd say take it easy for a while, maybe flirt a little, but defiantly still hang out with him. Maybe you could set up a GNO (girls night out) with his girlfriend, just so you can get to know her better, and see how she feels about your guy. Don't let her know how you feel about him. Maybe say you love him like a brother so she doesn't feel to defensive when you're around. Then maybe arrange a night when all three of you can hang out, see how he acts around her. If it's kinda iffy with him, take it easy. But if he acts like he's more interested in you, talk to him when she's not around and tell him how you feel. If you can tell he's really into her, then back off until things cool down. He's still your best friend, so when things blow over with him and her, you'll still be there. :) When they do break up, (high school relationships don't last forever) wait a while and let him have a chance to fall in love with you. Then maybe after a month or so when he's not so worked up over the break up, tell him how you feel. He might not feel the same way, but he'll be flattered by the fact, and appreciate your honesty. One day things will work out for you! :) Hang in there!

As for the name thing, it just depends on the day. But I'm Hope and I do post the most. But thanks for asking for the advice. We wish we had your name, but since you did give us the name "Boy-Drama" we will use that, because, congrats, you're follower of the week!
